A Winter Wonderland at Mesa Arch in Canyonlands
In this video I show you how peaceful a wintery hike to Mesa Arch in Canyonlands can be. I'll also show you a photograph I've been dreaming of capturing, because it finally happened.

For a while I’ve wanted to photograph the stunning canyons and arches in Moab during winter. I frequently check the weather in the area so I can arrive prepared. Luckily, the beginning of 2023 blessed me with snowy conditions and I was able to make a dream photograph come true.
It was roughly 25 degrees when I woke up, which doesn’t make it easy climbing out of a sleeping bag, however trekking through the snow luckily warms you up quickly. It was dark when I arrived at the parking lot, but that quickly changed as I was composing the shot of Mesa Arch as the sun started to break through the clouds.
I would love to know what you think of the photograph. And if you’d like to purchase a print, please reach out to me on Instagram @climbrick. Thanks for watching!