VLOG E04: Solo Winter Camping In My Jeep Wrangler In Canyonlands
In this video I camp in the freezing cold in Canyonlands, drink whiskey and build a couple of fires.

As 2022 comes to an end, and the new year begins, I decided to set off for a week to camp alone during snowfall amongst the canyons in Canyonlands. It’s been a tough 365 days, and as I reflect on the experience I’ve had during that time, I can easily sum it up in one word: vulnerability.
This week was filled with a lot of emotions and feelings. Most days were spent crying, drinking whiskey by the fire and trying to think happy thoughts. All of the ups and downs, heartbreak, panic attacks I’ve endured… more than any other year I’ve had and quite the rollercoaster I wish no one to ever ride. But I’ve also made some of the best memories of my life. The friends I’ve made, the laughter we shared, exploring the backcountry and capturing images of beautiful landscapes I was fortunate to see with my own eyes. I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone and taken risks that terrified me. Yet I am still here.
If I’ve learned one thing in 2022 is that I am quite resilient, and I dared greatly. I look forward to more personal growth that 2023 has to offer. I would also love to know what you think of the photograph. And if you’d like to purchase a print, please reach out to me on Instagram @climbrick. Thanks for watching!